Redeeming Rhythms: Prayer [Part 3]
![Redeeming Rhythms: Prayer [Part 3]]( Art - Redeeming Rhythms__largepreview__.webp)
1) Biblical fasting is the voluntary abstinence from food, drink, or other physical need for a spiritual purpose. It is a spiritual discipline practiced in the Bible as a way to grow closer to God, express dependence on Him, seek His guidance, and deepen spiritual focus.
Why is it so hard to do? Fasting is one of the most challenging spiritual disciplines due to our physical, mental, and emotional connection to food.
Desperation! Fasting seems to be associated with people who are desperate for God to intervene, answer, guide, or draw close.
2) There are many examples of fasting in the Bible:
Moses (Exodus 34:28): Fasted from food & water 40 days while receiving the law on Mount Sinai.
David (2 Samuel 12:16): Fasted as he prayed for the life of his child.
Esther and the Jews (Esther 4:16): Fasted before she approached the king to save her people.
Daniel (Daniel 10:2-3): Fasted for three weeks, abstaining from rich foods, seeking understanding and guidance.
Jesus (Matthew 4:1-2): Fasted for 40 days in the wilderness, preparing for His ministry.
Early Church (Acts 13:2-3): Fasted before commissioning Paul and Barnabas for missionary work.
3) When planning a fast, a believer should have a specific purpose for the fast.
To fortify our prayers (Daniel 9:3)
To repent from sin and seek God’s forgiveness (Psalms 69:10, Jonah 3:19, Deut. 9:19, 1 Sam. 7:1-6, Ezra 10:6, Neh. 1:4 & 9:1-2, Joel 2:12-15, Jer. 36:9)
To spiritually prepare for ministry (Matt. 4:1-11)
To receive God’s power for ministry (Eph. 3:16, 2 Cor. 3:5 & 4:7)
To discover the Lord’s will (Judges 20:18-48, Acts 9:9, & 13:1-4 & 14:23)
To mourn those who have died (1 Sam. 31:8-13, 2 Sam. 1:11-12 & 3:31-39 & 12:15-22)
To seek God’s protection from approaching danger (Ps. 109:24, 1 Sam. 20:30-34, Ezra 8:21-23, Esther 4:9-14, & 9:1-3)
To accompany grief in personal or corporate loss (Neh. 1:1-4, Dan. 9:1-6 & 6:16-18)
To offer worship and praise (Luke 2:36-38)
To set aside people for ministry leadership (Acts 13:2-3 & 14:23)
4) What are some guidelines for fasting found in Scripture? (Matthew 6:16-18)
Make it a part of your spiritual rhythm
Fasting should be done without show, between you and God, not to appear spiritual before man.
Pursue a personal connection (Luke 9:23)
Always accompanied by prayer...because fasting without prayer is just going hungry!
5) What are some benefits of fasting?
Reminder of our utter dependence on God
Spiritual clarity
It leads us to repentance and humility
Numerous spiritual rewards