Redeeming Rhythms: Prayer [Part 3]

February 2, 2025
Redeeming Rhythms: Prayer [Part 3]


1) Biblical fasting is the voluntary abstinence from food, drink, or other physical need for a spiritual purpose. It is a spiritual discipline practiced in the Bible as a way to grow closer to God, express dependence on Him, seek His guidance, and deepen spiritual focus.

        Why is it so hard to do? Fasting is one of the most challenging spiritual disciplines due to our physical, mental, and emotional connection to food.

        Desperation! Fasting seems to be associated with people who are desperate for God to intervene, answer, guide, or draw close.

2) There are many examples of fasting in the Bible:

        Moses (Exodus 34:28): Fasted from food & water 40 days while receiving the law on Mount Sinai.

        David (2 Samuel 12:16): Fasted as he prayed for the life of his child.

        Esther and the Jews (Esther 4:16): Fasted before she approached the king to save her people.

        Daniel (Daniel 10:2-3): Fasted for three weeks, abstaining from rich foods, seeking understanding and guidance.

        Jesus (Matthew 4:1-2): Fasted for 40 days in the wilderness, preparing for His ministry.

        Early Church (Acts 13:2-3): Fasted before commissioning Paul and Barnabas for missionary work.

3) When planning a fast, a believer should have a specific purpose for the fast.

        To fortify our prayers (Daniel 9:3)

        To repent from sin and seek God’s forgiveness (Psalms 69:10, Jonah 3:19, Deut. 9:19, 1 Sam. 7:1-6, Ezra 10:6, Neh. 1:4 & 9:1-2, Joel 2:12-15, Jer. 36:9)

        To spiritually prepare for ministry (Matt. 4:1-11)

        To receive God’s power for ministry (Eph. 3:16, 2 Cor. 3:5 & 4:7)

        To discover the Lord’s will (Judges 20:18-48, Acts 9:9, & 13:1-4 & 14:23)

        To mourn those who have died (1 Sam. 31:8-13, 2 Sam. 1:11-12 & 3:31-39 & 12:15-22)

        To seek God’s protection from approaching danger (Ps. 109:24, 1 Sam. 20:30-34, Ezra 8:21-23, Esther 4:9-14, & 9:1-3)

        To accompany grief in personal or corporate loss (Neh. 1:1-4, Dan. 9:1-6 & 6:16-18)

        To offer worship and praise (Luke 2:36-38)

        To set aside people for ministry leadership (Acts 13:2-3 & 14:23)

4) What are some guidelines for fasting found in Scripture? (Matthew 6:16-18)

        Make it a part of your spiritual rhythm

        Fasting should be done without show, between you and God, not to appear spiritual before man.

        Pursue a personal connection (Luke 9:23)

        Always accompanied by prayer...because fasting without prayer is just going hungry!

5) What are some benefits of fasting?

        Reminder of our utter dependence on God

        Spiritual clarity

        It leads us to repentance and humility

        Numerous spiritual rewards