Spreading Hope

October 14, 2024
Spreading Hope


Romans 15:13 

       Hope = a joyful and confident expectation that trusts in God 

1) Christians are God’s bearers of hope to the world, filled with peace and joy through knowing Jesus  

2) Our hope isn’t just for personal comfort, but is to be shared, overflowing to others  

       2 Corinthians 5:19b-20;  1 Peter 3:15 

3) Spreading hope happens best in our interactions with others in everyday life. No appointment needed  

       Encouraging words and prayer in conversations  

       Serving others with a joyful heart  

       Using social media to spread positive, faith-filled messages. 

       Go on a negativity ban  

       Acts of kindness, generosity, and love  

4) We can look for inspiration from examples in the Bible that show us how they hoped in God